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Banggood Price Tracker

Price monitoring with Otsledit automates the process of tracking the prices of Banggood goods that you are interested in. Otsledit is the best Banggood price tracker.


Otsledit allows you to start tracking with one click: click on "track price" and the extension will start working.


You can also use the button “Create track”. Open the page of goods on Banggood and click “Create track”.


Select the price of goods as screenshot shows. For correct tracking is important to choose the price which is pointed out in internal block. We already have checked when wrote this instruction for Benggood, the price which is placed on left will tracking correctly only in pintab mode. Pintab mode is working through opening pin tab. It is recommended to use when there aren’t alternative options of creation simple tracks.


After selection of block in modal window, confirm the creation of track. 


Track is ready, have a good tracking!