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The Best Myntra Price Tracker

Myntra is a one stop shop for all your fashion and lifestyle needs, shop for clothing, footwear, accessories and home furnishing for men, women and kids.


If you do any of your shopping at online store Myntra, pay attention to Otsledit.


Product price changes frequently, and we cannot check its price manually over and over again. Price monitoring with Otsledit automates the process of tracking prices of products that interest you. This price tracking tool will help you set alerts on a price drop.


How to track price and get price changes alerts?


Install this browser extension now and start monitoring.


First of all, click on Otsledit icon from the toolbar. Now, click TRACK PRICE.


All the many products you are interested in will be on the Watchlist extension page. Now you can manage all your tracks in one place, view the history of changes, edit, enable or disable various functions, configure notification settings.


Otsledit – the best price tracker, Otsledit – the best Myntra Price Tracker.